
what is digital signature

A digital signature is a specific type of e-signature that complies with the strict legal regulations — and provides the highest level of assurance of a signer’s identity. Digital Signature is a process that guarantees that the contents of a message have not been altered in transit. We will later check out the required documents.

types of digital signature

There are mainly two types of Digital Signature – Class 2 & Class 3

Class 2 Digital Signatures are mainly used to file income tax, registrar of companies, and GST filings , ROC/MCA21. Whereas,

Class 3 Digital Signatures are needed generally for e-tendering, e-procurement, e-bidding, e-ticketing, e-auction. Digital Signatures come in form the USB E-Token or Electronic Token, wherein the Digital Signature Certificate is stored in a USB Drive.

documents required for digital signature

1. Aadhar Card

2. Pan Card

3. Photo

4. Mobile number

5. Email id

why choose sonasis ?

The importance for signatures comes up in virtually any department – human resources for employee timesheets and vacation requests, finance signing off on invoices and purchase orders, legal preparing contracts, sales entering new client relationships. Printing every time you need a signature is not very practical and inefficient. Luckily, there’s a better way. Trusted digital signatures by Sonasis enables you to run your entire workroute online and gives better security than non-standardized electronic signatures.

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