Trademark registration in Siliguri
Are you looking for Trademark Registration in Siliguri , and then this is the right place for you. You can protect your business, brand name or product by registering Trademark. Sonasis Ecom India Private Limited providing Trademark Registration Service in Siliguri , so you can contact us to file your trademark application. Any business man don’t want that anybody use his brand name or product name, so If you are doing your own business in Siliguri and want to secure your products, company name or brand name, then it is necessary to trademark your product as soon as possible. Sonasis Ecom India private Limited providing all services related Trademark like Application file, hearing, objection, renewal, etc. in Siliguri , so if you have any query regarding trademark, then you can contact us freely.
Trademark Types
The IP Rights that can be categorised as Trademark may be many, However, some of the most common examples of types of the trademark are presented below.

The most important trademark is your Business Name, You must protect it immediately before someone else steals it.

Logo of the Company
The logo is the image, artwork or emblems of your business. For Logo Registration, submit a high-resolution JPEG Image

Brands of The Company
The products of business are known by its independent name. It may be a wordmark or a device mark (image).

Punchline Or Slogan
Punchline or Slogan, like “Ye Dil Mange More” of Pepsi, can be protected by registering the trademark registration in India.

Domain Name
The domain names are also capable of registration under the Trademark Law. It brings a lot. of protection, and u must get it .

Sound Mark
If a sound is unique to your business like the Airtel ring tone or ICICI jingle, then ensure to register it as Sound Mark
- Legal Protection
- Goodwill & Trust of Customers
- A unique Identity
- Popularize
- Id/Address Proof (Pan & Aadhaar Card)
- Digital Signature
- Business Details
- Logo/Brand Name