What is GST Number (GSTIN)?
GSTIN or Goods and Services Tax Identification Number is your unique business identity with the GoI (Government of India) that contains 15 digits alpha-numeric PAN based code. This happens a lot of time that you have paid someone to file your GST that person forgets to do so at correct time. Rather than relying on them and calling them every time to confirm the filing status you can simply check it on your own.
- Visit www.gst.gov.in
- Click on search taxpayer
- Then Search by GSTIN /UIN
- You will see a box where you have to enter your gst credentials then fillout the captcha code
- Finally click on SEARCH button
- You will se the owner details below which there should be a button “Show Filing Table” click on it.
You can then see the whole table depicting Return type , Financial Year , Tax Period , Date of Filing and Status. We are attaching a screenshot for your convenience.