An FOOD (FSSAI) license is compulsory to start any food business in Siliguri. All the producers, traders, restaurants included in the food manufacturing have to get a 14-digit Food (FSSAI) license number which must be published on food packages. Food license in Ranchi is mandatory for all food business operators like food stall, food van, hotel, restaurant, cafe, canteen, clubs, catering business, food manufacturer, relebeller, repacker, importer, exporter of any food category.
The food licensing and enrollment system is a government action to guarantee that the food products have gone through certain quality checks and are safe to be consumed. This develops the efficiency of manufactures to produce food in a healthy manner.

1. Basic Registration
FSSAI basic registration is required by small businesses with a turnover of less than Rs. 12 lakh in a year. So if you are just starting your business then it requires only a basic FSSAI or food license registration. Turnover is calculated every year.
2. State license
If you have the FSSAI basic registration and the turnover of the 12 lakh rupees in a year, but if it is less than Rs. 20 Crores then it is expected as FSSAI state license registration.
3. Central License
If you are starting an import-export business or want to supply to the various government departments then it requires FSSAI central license registration. It also requires a large scale turnover of more than Rs. 20 Crore in year companies.
1.There is a high degree of consumer confidence in the safety & quality of food.
2.It helps to promote innovation in food products.
3.Additionally, it helps in the removal of multiple regulations.
4.It promotes business without endangering customer safety & a greater share.
5.Decentralization of licensing for food products.
6.A simple and easy issue of license with a time frame of 1 month.
7.There is no permission for small FBOs. Only enrollment is necessary.
8.This act assures the safety of consumers and full compensation to victims in case of injury or death.
1. Basic Registration
1.Aadhar card
2.Pan card
3.Passport size photo
4.Business address proof
5.Business details
6.Email Id
7.Phone number
2. State license
1.Aadhar card, pan card & photo of each directors / proprietor
2.Business address proof & business details.
3.Company details
4.Laboratory test report
5.FSMS recall plan
6.Email Id & Phone number
7.Blueprint & layout including sqft.
8.Processing unit photo
9.GST Certificate / Udyam Certificate
10.No.of machines, machine number & power consumption
3. Central License
1.Aadhar card, pan card & photo of each directors / proprietor
2.Business address proof & business details.
3.Company details
4.Laboratory test report
5.FSMS recall plan
6.Email Id & Phone number
7.Blueprint & layout including sqft
8.Processing unit photo
9.GST Certificate / Udyam Certificate
10. No. of machines, machine number & power consumption
11.List of food products to be manufacture
The food business in SILIGURI are required to get done with FSSAI registration, in case any of the food business operators fail to do so has to pay penalty for the same. Food license fee in Siliguri varies according to the size & type of business.
FSSAI registration is segregated in three different types such as Basic registration, State registration and Central registration, the FSSAI fees for these registrations are mentioned below:
1. Basic Registration- Fees
Annual turnover below 12 lakhs – 100/-
2. State FSSAI License - Fees
Annual turnover above 12 lakhs and below 20 crores – 2000/- or 5000/-
3. Central FSSAI License - Fees
Annual turnover above 20 crores – 7500/-
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Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a statutory body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India. FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.
There are three types of FSSAI
- Basic license
- State license
- Central license
Fees structure for FSSAI registration / License in India. Fees for basic FSSAI License is fixed at INR 100 for one year. The FSSAI State License fees ranges from INR 2000/- to 5000/- a year. Fees for FSSAI Central license is fixed at INR 7500/- per year.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
As part of the efforts to ensure ease of doing business for food companies, the Authority of India (FSSAI) have launched the Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS). The FSSAI vide its notification dated 28th May 2020 has also informed that FoSCoS will replace the existing (FLRS). This upgraded cloud-based online food safety compliance platform conceptualized to provide multiservice for Food Business Operator (FOB), such as granting licenses and registration to FOB, and other regulatory compliances services.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a legal authority that offers a food license to all food business operators (FBO) in India. FSSAI Registration ensures the security of food products and it is essentially a food safety certificate circulated by the food authority in India
FSSAI State License. Food license is a mandatory compliance for the manufacturers dealing in the food business and restaurant business that certifies the safety of food products supplied or manufactured by various organizations in India.
Central FSSAI license from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is required for all certain food businesses involved in the manufacturing, storage, distribution, transportation or retailing of food products.
Recall can be defined as an action to remove food products from market at any stage of the food chain, including that possessed by consumer, which may pose a threat to the public health or food that violate the Act, or the rules or regulations made there under.
Blueprint or layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in metres or square metres and operation-wise area allocation (mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only). Proof of possession of premises. (sale deed, rent agreement or electricity bill, etc
FSSAI registration is initiated by submitting Form A (application for Registration) or Form B (application for State and Central License) to the Food and Safety Department or by applying online on the FoSCoS portal. The application must be accompanied by the required documents.
SONASIS ECOM INDIA is the best food license office in Ranchi.In Siliguri (Coming Soon).But you can contact us. We have dedicated team ready to serve you best services from Ranchi to across of the country.
SONASIS ECOM INDIA,Ranchi. In Siliguri Coming Soon).
You will get your FSSAI license within 30 days of filling out your application and submitting the required fee, and you will receive the notification for inspection by the officer within 7 days of your registration. A basic registration license takes up to 7-15 days.
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