What is an E-Way Bill E-Way Bill is the short form of Electronic Way Bill. It is a unique document/bill, which is electronically generated for the specific consignment/movement of goods from one place to another, either inter-state or intra-state and of value more than INR 50,000, required under the current GST regime. As per the…
Read MoreINTEREST, LATE FEE & PENALTY UNDER GST Late Fee For Delay Filing Of Return GST Late Fee of GSTR-3B *In case of nil outword supply = 20 Rs per day. *In case of outword supply = 50 Rs per day (but max upto Rs. 5000). Interest Delay payment of tax to government section 50(1)=18% *Excess clam…
Read MoreCOMPANY REGISTRATION IN RANCHI | ONE PERSON COMPANY | PRIVATE LIMITED | LLP | PARTNERSHIP FIRM | PROPRIETORSHIP If you want to start a Business or Firm and need company registration then SONASIS INDIA will help you in every legal services with company formation in RANCHI JHARKHAND. TYPES OF COMPANY REGISTRATION: There are 5 types…
Read MoreGOVERNMENT E-MARKETPLACE | GEM REGISTRATION IN RANCHI Government E-Marketplace or GeM is a portal to facilitate online procurement of goods and services required by various government departments, organizations and public sector undertakings in India. The Government E-Marketplace has been introduced to enhance transparency in government purchases, improve efficiency and speedup procurement. In this article, we…
Read MoreWHAT IS GST RETURN FILING? A return is a document containing details of income which a taxpayer is required to file with the tax administrative authorities. This is used by tax authorities to calculate tax liability. Under GST, a registered dealer has to file GST returns that include: 1.Purchases 2.Sales 3.Output GST (On sales) 4.Input…
Read MoreGST TAX RATE IN INDIA GST has been structured in a way that essential services and food items are placed in the lower tax brackets, while luxury services and products have been placed in the higher tax bracket. The GST council has fitted over 1300 goods and 500 services under four tax slabs of 5%,…
Read MoreGST REGISTRATION IN RANCHI, JHARKHAND Goods and Services Tax(GST/GST Registration) bill is India’s biggest reform in India’s indirect tax structure which came into effect from July 1, 2017 . The purpose of bill is to introduce one single tax on supply of goods and services, from the manufacturing stage until its delivery to final consumer.…
Read MoreFOOD LICENSE/FSSAI REGISTRATION The Food Safety and Standards Authority Act(FSSAI) or Food License Act is used to secure the laws relating to food and to establish science-based standards for food to control their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import, to make sure the availability of food for human consumption and for other food-related issues. Food…
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